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메디퓨처㈜, 유럽 방사선 학회 (ECR 2013) 참가

관리자 2022-05-27 조회수 236

메디퓨처㈜, 유럽 방사선 학회 (ECR 2013) 참가

국내 유일의 여성 헬스케어 전문기업 메디퓨처(주)가 2013년3월 8일부터 11일까지 
오스트리아비엔나에서 열리는 '유럽 방사선 학회 (ECR 2013)'에 참가합니다. 

이번 학회를 통해 신제품 Brestige Premium을 유럽지역에 선보이게 되며, 
이번 신제품 런칭을 통해 유럽 시장에의 본격 진출과 새로운 시장을 발굴하기 위함입니다.

• 명칭 : 유럽 방사선 학회 (ECR 2013)
• 기간 : 2013. 3. 8 ~ 3. 11
• 장소 : ACV (Austria Center Vienna), Vienna, Austria
• Booth : Expo E hall, 511


ECR is the annual meeting of the ESR. It is a trend-setting, dynamic and service-oriented congress, well-known as one of the most innovative meetings within the scientific community, embedded in a unique and inspiring ambience. One of the major attractions at every ECR is the enormous accompanying exhibition, which provides a chance to discover the latest and greatest in medical imaging technology and related services, with companies coming to the Austria Center Vienna from around the globe to show off established and brand new products, as well as those in development.

 MEDI-FUTURE is a global healthcare IT company dedicated to women's breast care.

 Create Women's Health and Beauty

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    TEL : +82-31-8018-5140

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    E-mail : sales@medi-future.com