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메디퓨처(주), 두바이 의료기기전(Arab Health 2020) 참가

관리자 2022-05-30 조회수 8,308

메디퓨처(주), 두바이 의료기기전(Arab Health 2020) 참가

국내 여성 헬스케어 전문기업 메디퓨처(주)가 2020년 1월27일부터 30일까지 

두바이에서 열리는 '두바이 의료기기전(Arab Health 2020)'에 참가합니다.

 • Title : Arab Health 2020

 • Date : January 27~30, 2020

 • Venue : Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre, Dubai, UAE

Arab Health, now in its 45th year, is the world's longest running healthcare exhibition 

and congress, taking place every January in Dubai.

With the Middle East healthcare industry worth an estimated $80 billion per year,

 Arab Health is truly at 'The Heart of Global Healthcare'.


Interact with experts from the healthcare industry, learn about the cutting edge technology showcased 

at the event and discover the latest product demonstrations.

 MEDI-FUTURE is a global healthcare IT company dedicated to women's breast care.

 Create Women's Health and Beauty

  • 경기도 성남시 중원구 사기막골로 62번길 37,1505호 (상대원동, 스타타워)

    TEL : +82-31-8018-5140

    FAX : +82-31-8018-5141

    E-mail : sales@medi-future.com